
As Christians we give back to the church out of our gratitude for what God is doing in our lives. We give out of our recognition that the church is transforming lives and the community in which we worship. We give so that the ministries and missions of our congregation can continue to thrive in Bonham and around the world.

Regular giving is a spiritual discipline that helps to orientate ourselves to the Gospel of Christ. This spiritual discipline is encouraged for all at First UMC Bonham. There are a couple of different ways that you can give. 

Contributions can be placed in the collection plate on Sundays or mailed to:

801 Star Street
Bonham, TX  75418

Checks can be made out to:
FUMC Bonham

"Coins for Mission"

Any spare change placed in the collection plate goes to our designated monthly service project listed below 

Simplify your Giving!

If you miss church services on occasion due to travel or other commitments, consider setting up an automatic giving schedule.

Your consistent support is vital to our Church. To set up a recurring contribution, simply talk with your bank and ask them how to get one set up. You can even use your bill-pay option with your bank to make donations directly to the Church.

Your bank bill-pay system will require the Church's banking information. Just call the Church Office at (903) 583-3314 or ask the Treasurer, Tammy Hopkins. She is in the Church Office on Tuesday mornings. 

Your gifts are greatly appreciated!!
Online Giving ~ 

If you worship with us remotely, or just prefer an online giving solution, we offer is a highly secure digital giving tool that allows you to set up one time or recuring monthly or weekly gifts*.

* does charge a 2.9% service charge on each transaction.